Advent reading from a deacon, a nun, and a bishop. And more!

Almost every year I try to gather suggested Advent materials or reading selections to share with y’all. Last year, I skipped that in order to write out a daily-read series based on the lectionary, which was both a satisfying and sometimes overwhelming task. As a Christian, I actually loved taking the time each day to really engage and ponder Advent on deeper and very specific levels. As a writer, I came to realize that such Read more…

Synagogue’s Dr. Jeff Cohen: Who Each of Us Can Be, If We Are Only Willing!

    Britain’s Channel 4 News put up a tweet that had the rare effect of taking social media furies out of themselves for a few minutes in admiration of one man’s wisdom and humility. Dr. Jeff Cohen, a member of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and a physician who oversaw the medical treatment of the man who senselessly killed 11 of its elders, had a lesson to teach the whole nation about Read more…

Pondering truth while NOT watching the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing

I made my mind up last night that I would not invest any time in actually watching today’s hearing regarding the accusations by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This is not mere caprice; I try to avoid all such hearings because I always find myself heartily despising every politician involved, which is not good for my soul, and because between the grandstanding, the partisan talking heads spinning for whatever Read more…

C’mon, Catholic Laity, remember who you are. If you don’t know, LEARN!

A few friends have expressed surprise to me at some social media reactions to my latest piece at Word on Fire, in which I once again adjure the Catholic laity to tap into the force and power they possess by virtue of their baptisms, the power of priestly and prophetic penance and prayer. My first response to the stories about former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and then to the Grand Jury report out of Pennsylvania, has Read more…

Catholic Moral Authority: Smothered by the Seeping Smoke of Satan

GUEST POST: Russell Shaw is the author of over twenty books touching on Catholicism, Politics and sometimes both at once. In this guest post, he ponders how with the co-operation of too many within the Church, so much has been lost to evil. On the Seeping Smoke of Satan by Russell Shaw The speaker was a highly sophisticated layman, possessor of a doctorate and professor of theology at a major Catholic university. We had been Read more…

Benedictines of Mary: Watch Some Old-School Monastic Rites, Livestreamed

We all know the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, of Gower MO, those old-school Benedictine nuns who sing like angels (they have recorded chart-topping, best-selling, albums of sacred music to supplement their building campaigns), run their own dairy, grow much of their own food and pray for all of us, all day long. And they do it in Latin, too. I’m not a great “Latin Mass” person — I do like a well-done Novus Read more…

Will Cupich’s terrible answer help Francis to focus on sex abuse, coverups?

So, earlier today I happened to see an interview with Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich with the headline, ‘The Pope Has a Bigger Agenda’: Cardinal Cupich. You can watch the very brief interview here. I found it a bit staggering, and tweeted out a response. I didn’t want to be disrespectful, but… Yes, the environment, migrants, etc are right concerns of the church, but right now we have an arterial wound bleeding out, affecting the faith/trust Read more…

Bishop Robert Reed invites company during public penitential act

My friend Leah Libresco spotted a Church bulletin from Wayland, MA, where we read these encouragingly penitential words by Boston Auxiliary Bishop Robert Reed:     That’s no small thing, but a pretty grueling penitential effort. His full statement reads:   A couple years ago, on a Monday morning, I was informed that I had been named a bishop. When I accepted, I was conscious of the fact that, I also would have to accept Read more…

The Church’s “Summer of Shame” Promises a Fall of Shame. LOTH Helps.

GUEST POST: Daria Sockey is the author of The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours. (LOTH) She is also a frequent contributor to Catholic Digest. She lives in Northwest Pennsylvania. Here she reflect on how the psalms and readings of the LOTH (also called the Divine Office) are instructing her through this most extraordinary and difficult time for the Church. I am pleased Daria permits its publication here, as a guest. – Read more…