Vatican: “The Pope is on the victim’s side.” Well, GOOD! But…

Two days after the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report on the gut-wrenching abusive incidents by clergy, and subsequent cover-ups by the leadership, the Vatican has released a statement via director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke, that “expresses shame…the pope is on victims’ side”. Here is the full statement: I agree with Matthew Schmitz that the sympathetic words are well-done, but “the pope is on your side” strikes me as Read more…

How Can We #RebuildMyChurch? Cardinal Wuerl Accidentally Points the Way

While it might seem that way, I’m really not trying to pick exclusively on Cardinal Donald Wuerl at this blog, but things…keep…happening. Last night I discovered that the Archdiocese of Washington, DC appears to have commissioned some PR help and created a website meant to support and/or protect the prelate’s reputation. You can find it here, at The Wuerl Record. This is the sort of action we usually see being taken by a Chairman of Read more…

Let’s Fasten Our Seatbelts, Fellow Catholics…Gonna Be a Bumpy Ride!

You’ll pardon me for paraphrasing Bette Davis in All About Eve, but we’re going to be on a bumpy ride for more than one night, as we face a 900-page Grand Jury report out of Pennsylvania that has just dropped and may be read here. It will bring on a great deal of turbulence. God help us…it is unbearable. Cardinal Donald Wuerl, on the heels of an earlier statement, (an on whom a substantial measure Read more…

7 Steps to Start Fixing the Messes, Before the Catholic Church Empties Out

For many Catholics, there is a sense that if the gates of hell are not prevailing, they are coming loose at the hinges, and bent at the bars. (Me, today) Even as I write this, more headlines are opening up, showing us the truly worldwide nature of the corruption within the Church. It is unbelievably disheartening to read this news out of the UK, or these horrific stories out of Chile, and understand that we Read more…

BREAKING: Albany Bishop Scharfenberger Calls for Lay-led Commissions

I know I went on a little bit of a rant today about this, so it’s very heartening to see the statement just released out of the Diocese of Albany by Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger. Here is the whole statement: August 6, 2018 Statement by Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany: While I am heartened by my brother bishops proposing ways for our Church to take action in light of Read more…

With all due respect, Cardinal Wuerl, No. Bishops Investigating Bishops Won’t Do

This morning comes breaking news out of NCR, that Washington DC’s Cardinal Donald Wuerl has proposed a “national panel” to investigate any serious allegation made against Bishops. And the panel would be comprised of, wait for it…bishops. “Would we have some sort of a panel, a board, of bishops … where we would take it upon ourselves, or a number of bishops would be deputed, to ask about those rumors?” he suggested. “It seems to Read more…

Fulton Sheen, Laity and Catholic Leadership: If Called to Correct, Let us First Confess

Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious. – Fulton J. Sheen That quote by Sheen is what leads my column today over at Word on Read more…

Time for McCarrick and the rest to answer to the laity and the priesthood

We often hear of how the laity, by virtue of our baptisms, have a share in the priesthood of the Church and the priesthood of Christ, but it’s not a well-defined “priesthood” and that’s a good thing because really, our priesthood is to be the hands, feet, eyes and ears of Christ, wherever we are, and in whatever capacity we are being nudged forward by the Holy Spirit. An “undefined” priesthood means there is no Read more…

Amid the farce of pre-fab fury and fake narratives, the reality of Kavanaugh

Well, it’s been very interesting watching predictable Americans react in completely predictable manners as regards President Trump’s latest SCOTUS choice, Brett Kavanaugh. Yes, reactions are utterly predictable, right down the line. For those whose sole concern for the Court is that Roe v Wade is overturned, Kavanaugh is not “enough”. For those looking for constitutionalist jurors, Kavanaugh is quite good. For those who like Jesuit-educated men and women, he is an acceptable, moderate selection. And Read more…

When a friend is suffering and you can’t help…

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, Lord, hear my voice! O let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleading. — Psalm 30:1-2 The anguish Letitia Adams is experiencing as she is trying to process a whole life of pain, a lifelong sense of abandonment is more than most people can describe, but she lets loose on it at her blog, even as she declares she’s “taking a break” Read more…