O, Christ Jesus, help us to refine our perspective on what we call a blessing or a curse.
Help us to remember that hindsight is the great bring of wisdom, by which we realize that some perceived ‘blessings’ have — because we are broken — served our weakness, while some real tragedies have fortified our strength; that we are always and forever in the midst of a great and unseen battle by which both darkness and light may mysteriously spill into our paths and add to our confusion about what constitutes a blessing.

Help us continue to ponder the strange idea (so often repeated by your saints) that ‘all is blessing’ while what is before us seems so much like a curse, and an injustice, and abandonment.

Help us to remember the Great Paradox of your mysterious reality — the paradox we almost dare not speak for fear of being misconstrued, yet but it’s the message of your Cross: That sometimes awful, unjust things must happen in order for something great & salvific to occur. That some blessings can only be seen from a distant light, through the cracks of our broken hearts.

We do not understand, Lord; we never can. Help us to nevertheless trust in your endless desire for our good, especially in this time so fraught with fear and unknown outcomes. We place all of our hopes in you, and in the deep and mysterious love of the great Oneness of your Holy Trinity.

“All of God’s purposes are to the good, although we may not always understand this we can trust in it.” — St. Philip Neri

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us

St. Michael the Archangel, Pray for us

St. Joseph, Pray for us

St. Mary Magdalene, Pray for us

St. John the Baptist, Pray for us

St. Benedict, St. Dominic, St Francis, St. Ignatius, Pray for us

St. Philip Neri, Pray for us

St. Catharine of Siena, Pray for us

St. Charbel Makhlouf, St. Thecla, Pray for us

St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, Pray for us

St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Pray for us

St. John Henry Newman, Pray for us

(Add your favorite saints, ora pro nobis, as you like…)

Image: Public Domain


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