Jesuits to admit women: Who will be the first female Jebbies?

I think this news is actually bigger and more exciting than I seem to be saying where I am quoted in this piece. It’s about time the Jesuits had female members. All the other great religious orders have them. Even the Oratorians have created a role for women — the Flammae Cordis (recalling Philip Neri’s heart of fire) — and has given them cool red habits, too, with the distictive collar of the Oratory. That’s Read more…

Think you’re too busy to pray? Guess again!

A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece for Aleteia encouraging people to Jumpstart Your Prayerlife and cited several small ways to bring prayerful practices into one’s life: The kiss of God is attainable, and wholly by grace; our own effort need consist in very little more than the wanting to do the right thing, or admitting to the simple desire to pray. “I believe that the desire to please you does in fact Read more…

Huffman/Loughlin college scandal: can we talk about our mania for credentials?

The story of rich parents buying their children’s way into the “best” schools is an opportunity to discuss how we value degrees over actual excellence. The headlines are blaring about a maddening college admissions scandal, one that names celebrities like Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin and also touches on so many issues — class resentment, the trumping of credentials over real ability, educational unfairness. The story even helps some way toward explaining the rise and Read more…

How Beatlemania Touched the Mad Eros of the Cross

It all started very innocently. Vulture published a list ranking all of the songs recorded and released by the Beatles in ascending order, and while I’d never been a Beatle maniac, I was enough of a fan to be interested; it was fun to look back, particularly on the earlier Beatles music which I had all but forgotten. The list surprised me for all I was unfamiliar with, so I began to look songs up Read more…

Musing a moment: When the Magi got Herod “All shook up”

Pondering the upcoming feast of the Epiphany, I found myself wondering about the message of the Magi, and imagining those last moments before King Herod signed a death warrant for countless Jewish infants stripped from their mother’s arms and put to the sword. It turned into one of those little fictions I write sometimes — once for First Things, then, at Easter, for Patheos. This time, it’s for Word on Fire. As Fr. Steve Grunow Read more…

Elizabeth Ann Seton is a saint for our social and familial times

Today’s feastday brings us to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, or “Mother Seton” as she is also known. Over at the site for her National Shrine, I argue that he is very much someone we moderns can turn to for spiritual companionship in 2019: How relatable is St. Elizabeth Ann to our lives and our times? Well, she’s a woman whose life pitched her from wealth to poverty, from a deliriously happy marriage to young widowhood. Read more…

A Light, Delicious Meringue Cake for Christmas!

Christmas being a feast day, people won’t have much room for dessert — hence the greatness of the Christmas cookie! — but if you are looking to make something a little different, this recipe suits the bill — a lovely light buttery cake with meringue and whipped cream, yum. Some people put strawberries in the middle and on top of it, but I think I have made my position on strawberries abundantly clear, and I like Read more…

Last Minute Book Ideas for Christmas!

If you still need a few gifts, I have some books to suggest, especially since I have been very remiss this year in reviewing and recommending titles. Sorry, it has been a strange and busy year. I never did get those podcasts going, as I’d planned, either. Books make such fantastic gifts (and they’re easy to gift wrap according to websites like Burning Book Press!) There really is a book for everyone and that’s why Read more…

Thinking of walking away from Catholicism? Hang on…

My latest at Word on Fire: Recently a friend declared, “I need a break.” He and his wife could not be convinced to look beyond the institutional men and remain focused on Jesus. “Come for Jesus,” I invited them, “Come for Jesus and pray for the Church!” They politely demurred. I still believe they need Jesus, and the church certainly needs them. More than ever, donations (learn more) and general support are needed. They are Read more…

Henneberger’s cri de coeur is a scorching rebuke to Catholic bishops

After the Vatican ordered US Bishops to refrain from voting on episcopal correctives to their failures on the sex abuse front (a February bishop’s gathering in Rome will now address it), American bishops left their bi-annual conference with little to show for their time beyond approving a the promotion of the excellent Sister Thea Bowman’s cause for sainthood. The do-little gathering left plenty of American Catholics feeling short-changed and fed-up, and precipitated Melinda Henneburger’s scorching Read more…